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Tel:+86 24 22733512

Location:Index > AuPairChina

We are in China

Update:2015-06-12 11:33:21Click:22986
I expected China as a huge challenge, and it actually is!

My name is Finja, I’m 25 years old and I’m from Germany. I’m living in China for 4 month already and I’m going to stay for 2 more month. Why did I decide to live here and what am I doing? 

Here is my story…  

When I was 21 years old, I already used to work as an AuPair in the USA for 1 year. That experience was so formative for me and my life, that pretty soon, after I came back to Germany, I really felt like doing something similar again. 

So I was looking through the Internet for some opportunities and I realized that working with children made me so happy and teached me so much. Besides that I love traveling and all of that is why I decided to work as an Au Pair again. 

If you make your hobby to your job, than you will never have to work again. 

I found the agency in the Internet, which supports young people, who want to work with children in China. I expected China as a huge challenge, and it actually is! 

I’m living in Shenyang together with my hostfamily. They have four kids: 3, 4, 5 and 6 years old. The oldest lives together with his grandpartents and the 3 and 4 year old both have their own nanny. 

I arrived in China together with three other guys from South Africa, Spain and Italy. We have been in touch before and started our adventure with a trip to Beijing. We spent the first weekend together with 2 workers from our agency and we did a lot of sightseeing. It was a great experience. 

My first time in the hostfamily and in China was pretty difficult, because everything seemed so different from everything I have known so far. What really helped me accomplishing the time were those awesome international friendships I made here (we are a group of about 8 people and we spend a lot of time together) , my family and friends back home and me remembering, why I decided to make this experience. 

My hostdad speaks English very well, my hostmom speaks a little bit of English and the communication with the kids went easier than what I thought. I help the 5 year old boy(Austin) to learn English and I can already tell his English got much better. I also tutored him reading, which also makes me very proud. The moments holding him in my arms and he telling me: “Finja,I love you!” make my days. A lot of things in China are so strict, that we both really enjoy giving each other so much love. He even wants to marry me and gets me a Chinese teacher, so we can speak Chinese. He wants to stay in China with me forever. My little boy is amazing and he also teaches me so much. We learn such a lot from each other and I really feel like I’m growing on this challenge. It changed a lot of my thoughts aswell. Life in China is very different and not always easy, but at the end of the day it’s an unique opportunity to grow a lot, to make great international friendships and to learn a lot about yourself and another culture. Besides all that, I was going to the university to study the Chinese language and combination of that and my daily life in a Chinese hostfamily makes it even possible, that I can already speak a little bit of Chinese. My hostfamily even offered me to meet the famous piano player Langlang, which was very cool. In February the Chinese new year is coming up and I’m excited to see how everyone celebrates it.

Every once in a while we do some activities with our agency aswell. We cook together, go out for dinner, go skiing, to KTV or to the spa.

I’m really glad I’m able to make this experience.

Address:Huibao International, 19-3 Beijing Street, Shenhe District, ShenyangTel:0086-24-22733512Fax:0086-24-22733512

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